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Will PPE be the new normal for EV?

Will PPE be the new normal for EV?
The effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the way we work could be felt for many months to come. So what will be the implications for EV charging installers and site workers once more of the lockdown restrictions are eased?

Risk assessments and PPE
It is likely that a careful risk assessment prior to any site visit will be vital in determining the best precautionary measures and the need for PPE (Personal Protection Equipment). This should include cleaning products to protect yourself, members of staff and customers. Organisations must have in place effective arrangements for monitoring and reviewing their compliance with Government and industry guidance to minimise the risk of spreading the infection.

PPE has become vital to protect key workers across many industries. But the overriding issue is to ensure all PPE has been appropriately CE tested and certified according to European and UK standards and is supplied with appropriate documentation. The use of PPE should be considered as part of the risk assessment. This may include face masks and protective gloves and their suitability, as not all are fit for purpose. FFP (filtering facepiece) masks are graded according to the European Union’s EN 149 standard on protection against particulates, which includes dust and airborne viruses. The three classes are FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3.

Replenishh's range of respiratory and hand protection products are compliance checked, authenticated and CE certified. All such products are in extremely high demand but we are working hard to secure stock. Even if some items are displayed with long lead times, these are subject to change, and products can be back ordered. One range due imminently are these FFP2 rated face masks.

This video made by the ECA, the UK’s largest trade association representing electrotechnical and engineering services organisations, provides a handy guide to best practice for contractors working during the pandemic.

Cleaning and social distancing
Disinfectant, wipes and cleaning spray should be kept readily available on site as part of the cleaning measures for regular equipment and machinery. Staff should wash their hands regularly or use alcohol-based sanitiser, particularly on entering and leaving premises. Tools should be thoroughly cleansed after use and between crew changeovers. Enhanced cleaning procedures should be in place across the site, particularly in communal areas and at touch points including:
  • Taps and washing facilities
  • Toilet flush and seats
  • Door handles and push plates
  • Hand rails on staircases and corridors
  • Lift and hoist controls
  • Machinery and equipment controls
  • All areas used for eating must be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each break and shift, including chairs, door handles, vending machines and payment devices
  • Telephone equipment
  • Key boards, photocopiers and other office equipment
  • Rubbish collection and storage points should be increased and emptied regularly throughout and at the end of each day

Isopropyl-based alcohol cleaners can help to keep surfaces free of bacteria.

Social distancing will remain a key part of daily life for the foreseeable future, and even more so within the workplace. All workers should maintain a safe distance (at least 2 metres) from fellow members of staff, as well as household occupants at all times. Working team groups should be kept as small as possible. To improve ventilation the windows of enclosed machinery or enclosed spaces should be kept open, and the inside of cabs regularly cleaned, particularly between use by different operators.

The Government has recently announced that a temporary VAT rate of 0% will apply on the sale of PPE until 31 July 2020, and this is reflected on all items of PPE available on the Replenishh website. If you have any enquiries regarding PPE please do not hesitate to contact the Replenishh team.

View the complete Replenishh range of PPE